Wednesday, October 28, 2009

visit to the Princeton Art Museum

Upon going to the museum I had decided to look at the paintings I would usually not spend my time on but this time they fascinated me. The modern section is usually my choice of visit when I go to the museum but instead I chose to look at religious paintings and the depictions of christ in the works some showed christ with the proportions of a full grown man but minaturized. this reminded me of a sculpture by Charles Ray. Other depections of christ were just strange and they make you wonder how is this the ideal depiction of the lord's son? and at what age did he learn to read. Since one of the paintings has him sitting on mary's lap reading a book.

1 comment:

  1. This is very short and you need to be much more specific about the paintings, and draw on some of your knowledge of art history to examine what you noticed. Is it typical that children are treated as scaled down adults in paintings of the periods you mention, or is it just certain people?
